Jackie McKool


An Example of Health Restoration Versus Disease Management

Why should one take care of their health? There seem to be too few answers to this question.Perhaps, it’s to feel good, or so ...
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Back to School — Health Comes from Above, Down; Inside, Out

As your children are getting ready to start the next school year, I encourage you to think about their health from this perspective: Health ...
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A Holistic Approach to Reversing Cardiovascular Disease

Over the past 8 weeks we have been taking a look at the risk factors of cardiovascular disease based on a Fox News article1 ...
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The Holistic Perspective on Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease

Over the past 7 weeks we have been breaking down the causes of cardiovascular disease as explained by the American Heart Association in a ...
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High Blood Pressure – a Primary Driver for Heart Disease and the Wholistic Approach to Overcome it!

High Blood Pressure – a Primary Driver for Heart Disease and the Wholistic Approach to Overcome it!

Over the past 6 weeks we have been breaking down the causes of cardiovascular disease as explained by the American Heart Association in a ...
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Diabetes – the Holistic Connection to Cardiovascular Disease

According to the American Heart Association (AHA) Heart disease has been the world’s No. 1 killer for over a century, and experts predict that ...
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Impacts of our Standard of Living and a Hectic Work Life on our Cardiovascular Health — a Wholistic Approach to Overcome it

This is the 5th in a series of 9 blogs stemming from a recent Fox News article 1 about the rise in Cardiovascular Disease, ...
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A Holistic Connection Between Obesity, Lack of Sleep and Cardiovascular Disease

  This is the 4th in a series of 9 blogs stemming from a recent Fox News article 1 about the rise in Cardiovascular ...
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A Holistic Approach

A Holistic Approach to Exercise & Cardiovascular Disease

This is the 3rd in a series of 9 blogs stemming from a recent Fox News article 1 about the rise in Cardiovascular Disease, ...
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Cardiovascular Disease – Our Reliance on Packaged & Processed Foods

  The Reliance on Processed and Packaged Foods   This is the 2nd in a series of 9 blogs stemming from a recent Fox ...
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A Holistic Approach to Heart Disease

  According to the American Heart Association (AHA) Heart disease has been the world’s No. 1 killer for over a century, and experts predict ...
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A Holistic Approach to… Stress… Is It Silently Killing You?

If there is anyone on this planet that has never heard, let alone used the word “stress” to describe at least one time in ...
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It’s All About Self-Induced Inflammation!

When I talk about wholistic health, and more specifically sickness, I’m talking about chronic and degenerative diseases. I’m not talking about acute injuries or ...
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Reclaim Your Health the Wholistic Way

Reclaim Your Health the Wholistic Way

Our Bodies Don’t Take Care of Themselves   I am probably going to offend a lot of people with this blog. So, I will ...
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The Truth About Sunscreens from a Wholistic Health Perspective

It’s that time of year again where we will be more active outside enjoying the wonderful sunshine whether it’s on the warm sunny beaches ...
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How Committed Are You to Your Wholistic Health?

Did you know there is a difference between a desire to doing something, and a commitment to it? I believe the reason more people ...
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Chiropractic Care: What it IS, and What it is NOT

It’s Not About Back & Neck Pain, it’s About Good Nerve Supply When you hear the word “chiropractor” what is the first thing you ...
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Don’t Let Fear Sabotage Your Wholistic Health Plan

A Truth About Wellness “Op Ed” Have you ever wondered why the suspense movies always have the person (with the dramatic music playing of ...
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The Hidden Demise of Children’s Health – in Plain Site

In the natural world Spring is the season where God’s “behind the scenes” handiwork that was taking place over the past 4-6 months, starts ...
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Unforgiveness: The Wholistic Affects to Our Health

  “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, ...
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Fasting, What Does God Say About It?

Fasting seems to be a part of the latest fad diet. As soon as I hear someone tell me they do an 18 hour ...
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Mirroring God

  Food Addicts, Are You One of Them?   You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will ...
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How to Lose Weight Holistically

Losing weight has been an obsession for millions of people for decades. That obsession has lent to a multitude of diets, weight loss gimmicks, ...
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Rest, It’s More Than You Think!

A Holistic Approach to Rest “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest.”  (Matthew 11:28 NKJV) ...
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Wholistic Health is a Life Change!   Many years ago, my dad ended up in the hospital with diverticulitis; in fact, he had a ...
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Healthy Soul, Healthy Self

“Wholistic Health is Confusing”     “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” (1 Corinthians 14:33) As I was going ...
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Mirroring God — Wholistic Health is NOT Too Expensive!

  When I was working in the health food store, I recall being in a conversation with a woman who gave me every excuse ...
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You Were Made for a Purpose

For the first 19 years of my working life I “didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up.” I took the ...
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Mirroring God — Wholistic Health is NOT Easy!

“For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and accurate instruction [that challenges them with God’s Truth]; but wanting to ...
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Will Insurance Keep Me Healthy?

Health Insurance is a Misnomer, it’s Still Medical Insurance What is Health Insurance? Let’s start with the big picture first, beginning with a little ...
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Do You Have an Unhealthy Gut & Not Know it?

Why Gut Health Matters, The Holistic Approach   In the holistic health world, detoxification of the body is a vital, natural component that is ...
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Breaking Down Deception – “The McDonald’s Myth The Other Side of the Story”

“What you should order at McDonald’s, according to nutritionists. Are there ‘healthier’ options at McDonald’s? Here’s what nutritionists advise whenever you’re craving the Golden ...
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Mirroring God — Wellness is NOT a Short-cut!

“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!” How many times have we heard that and how many times have you ...
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Reclaim Your Health the Holistic Way!

What Holistic Health is NOT – Taking Natural Supplements for Your Symptoms!   First, What is Holistic Health? There is a major difference between ...
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What Natural Wellness is Not – Detecting a Disease Earlier and Starting You on Meds Earlier!

  What Kind of Answer Are You Looking For? In my January newsletter I explained that we cannot be “double-minded” when it comes to ...
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Mirroring God – The Truth About the Magic Pill

We are a quick fix society. But God is not. If you have known God in your life personally for any length of time, ...
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Truth is Imperative for a Healthy Self

“Why is it important to embrace the concept of absolute truth? Because life has consequences for being wrong.” Have you ever found yourself excited ...
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A Holistic Approach to Reclaiming Your Health & Your Life

Now that the holidays are behind us, some of us might be stepping back into the reality, and routine of the cold, harsh winter ...
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My Christmas Prayer for You…

Papa God, I lift up all who read this to You, May their eyes be first, fixed on You this Christmas, May they be ...
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Christmas – Maintaining Balance From a Wholistic Perspective!

Life is wholistic. Nothing, or no one stands independent of anything, or anyone else – Not even Christmas. Christmas really is all about the ...
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Maintaining a Healthy Soul Through the Holidays

Before we even realized it, the holidays were upon us. For some it might have started with the Halloween decorations and consuming too much ...
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Pump your diet full of fruits. Shot of a young couple cooking together.

A Wholistic Health Approach to Your Diet

A Wholistic Health Approach to Your Diet We are what we eat! The saying should also include “and what we drink too.” It’s a ...
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Road ahead disappearing into the distance

Is Wholistic Health Even an Option for Me?

Will I Ever Be Healthy Again? Your health IS in your control—much more than you realize. Have you been diagnosed with a chronic, degenerative ...
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Lupins purple meadow background. Natural, wellness closeness to nature. Self-discovery concept

Natural Wellness: It’s More Than What You Might Think

Story At-a-Glance Definition: What is Natural Wellness – Natural wellness is just one of multiple terms or phrases used when referring to analyzing, restoring, ...
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Be Kind, Be True, Be You message board sign with succulent plants

What is True Wholistic Health?

Personally, when I first stumbled upon the word wholistic, and the phrase wholistic health, I thought it was my own original life philosophy (silly ...
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empty scales of justice on wooden table on grey

Does Wholistic Health Equate to Ineffective?

As I continue to walk through correcting some personal health challenges, I am doing what I encourage each of you to do, work with ...
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Flight attendant demonstrating product in white box to plane passenger

Put Your Own Facemask on First

Most of us have probably flown by now, but if not, as the pilots are getting ready with their last-minute preparations for takeoff, the ...
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How Do I Create a Healthy Balance for My Soul?

Why is it that the more we have on our calendars, the longer our to-do list is, the busier we are, the prouder we ...
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  This statement was made by me almost 25 years ago. I had just started chiropractic school and decided to eat a “vegetarian diet” ...
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How Do You Know When You Get There?

I suppose you could say I was brought up on map reading. Even before I was old enough to drive my dad taught me ...
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Growth, Do You Budget for It?

I am a natural learner – not a quick learner, necessarily (!), but I naturally love to learn. When I was just a child, ...
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Step Outside the Box !

As I continue to live into my new season of life – retirement/author, writer & speaker – I need to remind myself to “step ...
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Hike in Patagonia

Perhaps the Greatest Health Deception of All!

According to Statins.News, “statins are one of Big Pharma’s biggest cash-cows: In 2013, the pharmaceutical industry raked in a staggering $29 billion just from ...
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Beach sunset steps

These 3 Things

When I worked as a fundraiser for a women’s ministry, I used to always say there were 3 things that drew me to the ...
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Moms, What Are You Feeding Your Children?

This is a hard article to write.  First, I don’t have children, but I was a child at one time, and I know what ...
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Are You Committed, or Do You Just Have a Desire?

I am a curious person, and I don’t just want to see all kinds of places, I want to experience them – it’s almost ...
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Baking tools, mixing bowls, whisk

Gluten Free or Sugar Free?

If event organizers, meeting planners, restaurants, hotels, schools, churches, civic meetings etc. would be more diligent when planning menus to serve up food that ...
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Fog and evergreen forest, upside down

An Upside Down World

We live in an upside-down world when it comes to our health.  In the United States our pharmaceutical companies have a huge influence over ...
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Alpine River in the Italy

Don’t Let Fear Sweep You Down Stream!

Have you ever made a snap decision and then regretted it later?  When you look back to assess why you did what you did, ...
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Moody autumn day in the Dolomites forest and mountains

It’s Not About Back and Neck Pain!

Shortly after God delivered me from an addiction to alcohol and the whole bar life, He set my feet on a new path – ...
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Sun shining in rain drops alt sunset in nature

Where Does the Root Lie?

As I sit to write these blogs I realize and know that I’d like to be real with you.  I’d like to be transparent ...
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female hand holding a wooden cube with a question mark, concept of answers and questions

Are You a “Why” Person?

For example, if you knew WHY your doctor told you to do something, you might be more compliant? I am.  Or if anyone tells ...
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Frog in The Kettle

Health is Not About How You Feel

One day I was talking with a friend telling her I wanted to run a heavy metal toxicity test on myself. She asked “why, ...
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Stress Worry Woman with Text on White

How Much is on Your Plate?

Gotcha! I am not talking about food! That’s a discussion for another day. What I want to talk about today is something that can ...
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Cans of Fresh Cola Drink

Anatomy Of A Soda

How much soda is consumed each year in the United States? I did a little digging on the internet awhile back and the number ...
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