Christmas – Maintaining Balance From a Wholistic Perspective!

Life is wholistic. Nothing, or no one stands independent of anything, or anyone else – Not even Christmas. Christmas really is all about the birth of Jesus. Let’s take a glimpse at how He lived His life here on this earth, wholistically.

Maintaining Balance with the Spiritual Side of Christmas

I don’t know about you, but I am eternally grateful that Jesus fulfilled His purpose here on this earth. But you and I have a purpose as well. And that is to carry on His mission in the unique ways He has created us to do.

The true meaning of Christmas is not all the commercialism we see around us these days, but the true meaning of Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ, Immanuel, meaning God with us. Even Jesus’ life was lived wholistically – He was a physical being, Who had a purpose, and emotions, and a will. But He didn’t live independent of Himself – He came to this earth for connection with us, to show us the way to Heaven – through Him to the Father. But He only said and did what His Father showed Him – in this way, He was also divinely connected to the Father in Heaven.

And He didn’t come just to be born, as is the Christmas message, but to die for us as well.

Maintaining Balance with the Mental Side of Christmas

(Proverbs 28:27). For another idea on the gift you can give to someone who has everything, see my blog: “Maintaining a Healthy Soul Through the Holidays.”

Part of our mental health is learning. William Arthur Ward was an American motivational writer. He stated: “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” Jesus was frequently referred to by His disciples as Teacher. We as Christians are called to be imitators of Jesus. The way to do that is to study Him, primarily through His Living Word, the Bible. One of the components of mental health is learning.

Another component is time-management. If we were to study Jesus, He was never in a hurry. He knew what He was going to do before He did it. Even though He was never in a hurry, He was intentional and calculated with His time.

The mental side of our wholistic health is also our budget. The magi, or pilgrims as some writings refer to them, brought gifts to Jesus: “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great delight. On coming to the house, they saw the Child with His mother Mary, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:10-11).

In this holiday season of Christmas, the middle-income family will incur, on average, an additional $1,200+ in debt – just from their Christmas spending, and will take at a minimum of 3 months to pay off. Before you set out to “charge it” like Wilma & Betty used to do (from the Flinstones in case you aren’t old enough to know!), will you give prayerful consideration to giving at least 10% of your Christmas gift giving budget to the poor? The Book of Proverbs says:

Maintaining Balance with the Emotional Side of Christmas

The emotions really seem to run high this time of year – good and bad. It’s like our emotions are in over-drive, and then we crash and burn come January 2nd. When family gets together, there are bound to be emotions – all … over… the … place. Christmas gatherings might be the only time whole family’s get together, and probably for good reason in some cases.

This is a good place to ask “what would Jesus do?”

  • Jesus loved the unlovable.
  • Jesus was kind and compassionate.
  • Jesus was slow to anger, and quick to forgive.
  • Jesus walked with peace and joy in His heart – always, even when His heart was broken and He was betrayed.
  • Jesus didn’t compromise on truth, but He also held His tongue – probably more times than He spoke.

Could we apply at least one, if not a few of these this holiday season? Whether it be towards a stranger during your “way too last-minute shopping,” who swiped up the last of this year’s trendy toy, or a family member you simply never see eye to eye with. Learn from Jesus, be like Him.

Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32 NLT).

Maintaining Balance with the Physical Side of Christmas

According to the website, “gluttony, is the sin associated with an unhealthy indulgence in material delights, usually food. However, it is not just eating to excess, but it can include drinking, screen time, lustful thoughts and behaviors, and similar types of obsessive love of material pleasure. It is creating an idol out of something material, often consumable.”

Wow, if Christmas time cannot put gluttony into over-drive, I don’t know what can. This definition can really encompass all areas of our wholistic health – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Be mindful of gluttony.

Let’s address this last piece, the physical a little more. In my book “Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness” I break the physical part of the health pie down into 5 pieces: Rest, Water, Exercise, Nutrition and Good Nerve Supply. Really quickly let me give you a tip for each area to grab hold of over the holidays:


Be sure to determine what time you will go to bed and what time you will arise each morning for the month of December. Fill this time in on your calendar before you commit to any obligations, parties, dinners etc. What time will you leave in order to get your sleep? A good guest knows when to leave! Don’t over-commit! And don’t be embarrassed to say you “need to get your beauty rest” and stick to it. It’s only through proper sleep will you make it through the holidays without crashing and burning.


Drink plenty of water. Especially if you know you will be consuming any amount of alcohol. Alcohol is dehydrating, replenish that water, and quickly! You most likely will be consuming more toxic foods and drinks than you normally do. Drinking plenty of water is the only way you will be able flush those toxins out of the body. Otherwise you are heading for the sick bed once the holidays are over.


Take your socializing outside whenever possible. After consuming that heavy meal, invite a family member or friend, maybe someone you have catching up to do, outside for a post-dinner stroll. It doesn’t have to be something that requires exercise clothes, although comfortable walking shoes would be helpful – so bring them with you and invite others to do the same! And by the way — leave the cigarettes behind!

Good Nutrition

You already know you will be consuming bad foods this Christmas season. So here is what you do: Eat a healthy meal before you go! No one needs to know you even did this. Then when you sit down to eat, your discipline will be a little stronger when your favorite, but calorie laden, lacking in any nutritional value, dish gets passed around. If you must, choose one dish that you will treat yourself to – but only a small portion. Otherwise put a few of the healthier foods (think green!) on your plate and move along.

Good Nerve Supply

Probably the most over-looked component of our physical health. This is the appointment we will have a tendency to forego because “I have a party to go to that day.” But DON’T! Commit to keeping your chiropractic appointment no matter what. The world won’t come to an end if you arrive a little late, or have to leave a little early. This is the time of year your body needs good nerve supply more than ever.

In Summary

View Christmas through the eyes of Jesus and from a wholistic perspective, and you most likely will skate through the holidays unscathed! And be ready to do some detoxing come January.

But most of all be sure to praise “the King of kings, and the Lord of lords — glory be to God on High!” Thank You Jesus not just for your birth, but for your sacrificial death on the cross so that through You, I can be assured of Christmas every day in Heaven with You.

New Release!

I’m excited to announce that the accompanying WORKBOOK to “Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness” is now available! This combo will make a great Christmas GIFT for yourself or someone else to start the year off with a Wholistic Health approach!

The book and workbook would also make a great tool for a small group setting, a book club, women’s group, or even a high school or college elective course.
Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness WORKBOOK

Did you miss some of these earlier blogs? These could give you some great insight — especially over the holidays:
Anatomy of a Soda
How Much Is On Your Plate?
Health, It’s Not About How You Feel
Are You A Why Person?


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