Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness?

Ready to learn some truths about health & wellness that you may have never heard before? This book is not the usual “eat your veggies and exercise 3 times a week” book. Get ready for an eye-opener that will hopefully ignite a lightbulb of hope in your heart for your health! This book is a result of my own journey of uncovering the deceptions and discovering the truths about wholistic health and wellness.

Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness? WORKBOOK:

Unveiling the Confusion, Myths and Deceptions Preventing You From Achieving True Health

This COMPANION WORKBOOK to “Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness” is designed to assist in taking the action steps needed to unveil a lot of the deceptions that may have been keeping us sick, and our health far out of reach.

This is a great tool designed to be applied personally, or as a group study – small group, women’s groups, church groups and even book clubs — to help individuals help themselves as well as hold each other accountable to achieve much greater health, wholistically. 

One of the things I discovered is that most of us are deceived in many, many ways about what true health and wellness is, and in essence, it can keep us from achieving and maintaining optimum health and healing. This book is about unveiling the confusion, myths and deceptions that can prevent you from achieving true, wholistic health.
This book is about knowing you have a choice. While it is important to me, I believe it’s even more so to God, that you at least know that you have a choice about how to take care of your health. If you don’t know you have a choice, then you could very well continue down the path of sickness and disease—perhaps even thinking you are doing the best you can for yourself when in fact you are not—because you have unknowingly been deceived.
YOU have a unique divine purpose and reason for being here on this earth. Without you, we all suffer—your family suffers, your friends suffer. You matter. You matter to people who don’t even know you, or even know that you matter, just as others whom you may never directly meet have an influence on you—good or bad. And if you can’t fulfill your purpose because you are sick—or worse, depart this earth too soon—then where does that leave the rest of us who needed you to fulfill your purpose? This book is not only for you but for all of us.

What this book is “not” is just another “eat your veggies and exercise” book. Yes, those are important and I’ll talk about them, but it is much, much more than that. For starters, it is wholistic—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. But I will not be telling you to follow this diet or don’t follow that one; it is much bigger. It’s about semantics—those subtle lies that keep us sick. It’s how we get sick to begin with and not even know it, and there are lots of ways this happens. One way we don’t get sick is the “bogey man got me” or we are an innocent victim. I will share what wholistic health really means, as well as a little anatomy lesson on some very vital organs and systems of the body that, if addressed wholistically, can go a long way toward a much healthier life.

Once you have a true understanding and appreciation of how your body works, you will be empowered to make it work for you instead of against you. I’ll also share some deceptions we have been believing for far too long that keep us from achieving optimum health and healing. Lastly, I will share some tools with you to utilize in your healing. Ultimately, I pray this book will encourage you and give you at least one, if not many, “aha” moments! Your health IS in your control. That is empowering and it is FREEDOM!