Is Pride Blocking Your Healing?

“Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall”. (Proverbs 16:18)
“The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life.” (Proverbs 22:4)

Allow me to be the first to say that I certainly have exhibited pridefulness more than once in my life – in fact, many times, I’m sure. One internet search revealed the definition of “prideful” as “having an excessively high opinion of oneself.” However, we can display prideful behaviors in other ways as well. For me it would come more from a place of defensiveness, not wanting to admit I was wrong – especially if someone called me out in a way that caused me embarrassment or even shame. My go to response was, and can still be, a rejection of the truth from a default position of pride.

Continuing with our foundation for this year’s blog posts — the Bible, Truth, and Jesus as our guide and example — and as they apply to our health and healing, let’s peel back some layers of the onion to see if the root of pride might actually be blocking your healing.

Pride Overrides Proof

The Pharisees presented this way multiple times through the Bible, but there are two stories in particular that come to mind, both are in the Gospel of John (Chapters 9 & 11), and both involve miracles. In the one instance, Jesus restored the sight of a man who was born blind; and in the other Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. These were miracles performed right before the very eyes of the Jewish people. Another words, living proof and fact. But because this threatened the Pharisees and their image and authority, their pride would not accept this regardless of how many people testified to the truth.

I see this over and over again in today’s world too. Some people are so controlled by their own addictions to food for example, that regardless of the facts presented to them of how toxic the food-like substances are to their bodies, they won’t surrender their pride to the foolishness of their ways. And what is even worse, is when those in leadership and authority like parents, organizations, and the church refuse to humble themselves and right their own wrongs and align themselves with the truth as opposed to holding onto their prideful ways. In turn, they are leading others down the path of deception as well.

Pride Overrides Wisdom

Proverbs 1:7, in the Living Translation version says: “Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”

We can be so set in our own way of doing things, priding ourselves on how “right we are,” that when faced with a contradicting truth, our pride kicks in and will not allow us to humble ourselves, admit when we are wrong and accept the truth.

I see this often in Type A personality people, especially women, and quite often with moms. While they certainly mean well, they want to be the best mom ever and do nothing but right for their children – to the point of perfection at times. That when they learn they have actually been duped into believing that certain foods for example are healthy for their children, or worse, certain medications when in fact the truth could not be further from what they have been believing and doing. Their pride won’t allow them to admit they have been jeopardizing the life of their most valuable asset – their children.

Did You Miss the “Jesus Lived a Wholistic Life” blog series?
“Truth Sprouts from the Earth”
“Jesus was Healthy Wholistically”
“Jesus Led a Balanced Emotional Life”
“Jesus Led a Balanced Physical Health Life”
“Jesus and His Spiritual Health – Stating the Obvious?”

Pride Creates Denial of Truth

Going back to the two stories of the Pharisees in the Gospel of John. No matter how much truth and even facts were presented to them, their pride would not allow them to accept it. They put self above truth.

In this new era of the “Golden Age for America” I finally have hope and pray that over the coming four years we will start to experience tremendous opportunities to restore our health. This could be made possible by exposing and bringing down some of the entities that have been manipulating and controlling our abilities to walk in greater health, as well as even creating toxic environments for us – knowingly and unknowingly upon us – for the sake of greed and self-gain. Entities like Big Pharma, Corporate Food Manufacturers, Insurance Companies, Big Ag etc.

The problem here is many will not believe this manipulation and control has been taking place for years (pull quote)and that the truth is finally being revealed. Sometimes truth is hard to believe and accept because it seems so unimaginable. We don’t want to believe that such evil can and does exist, and worse, that we have been oblivious to it. Like ostriches, we instead put our head in the sand, choosing to keep on our rose-colored glasses in the process, hold onto our pride and deny what is right in front of us. Like the Pharisees, we chose to hold onto our long-standing traditions and miss the forest for the trees. The truth.

In Summary

2 Chronicles 7:14 says “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

While this verse has been more famously quoted over the past 8 years or so in regard to our nation, it needs to start with us as individuals first. We first need to humble ourselves and confess the sin of pride in our lives. Next repent and turn from our prideful behaviors, then God will forgive us, and He will heal us. But if we don’t admit our wrong way of living – whether it is the wrong food choices, being frivolous with our riches, wasting our time on things of the world rather than God, or anything else as it pertains to our lives wholistically – and make changes to align with truth, then our healing can go no further than what our prideful minds are capable of, as opposed to surrendering our health, our bodies, our lives to Jesus – the One Who is the true Healer. Pride in self is fruitless and short-lived. Humbleness and trust in God produce ever-lasting life.

Don’t let pride block your healing, humble yourself and surrender to doing things God’s way. Determine to live your life the way He has designed us to do and watch your health and life flourish!

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