“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19 ESV)
I am a big picture person, but we seem to live in a world of sound bites these days. My hope is that this month’s newsletter and blog will bring you GOOD NEWS by sharing the greater picture of hopeful changes coming down the pike as it applies to our health!
While our own health choices certainly are the key to the level of health we each uniquely experience, we also unknowingly have forces working against us, manipulating and controlling us, countering our greatest efforts for health.
It is now official that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is our Country’s new Secretary of Health & Human Services. While this is a huge department – he will oversee 13 departments under his leadership – a lot of these can have direct and even indirect impact as it relates to our health wholistically – in a positive way.
Each time I listen to RFK, Jr. share his vision, my heart gets excited that there is now someone in a major leadership position that not only cares about wholistic health, but has the intelligence and backing of our current administration – president, house and senate (at least the majority) – to implement those changes. He has had a vision of this for many years. This is good news! It’s a new day!
Today I will touch on some of the high points of what I have been hearing RFK Jr. say and believe he will implement. I think what you hear him saying moving forward will coincide with what I have been saying for years – in my book, in my blogs, in my speaking engagements and podcast interviews and even in conversations with you. It highly encourages me as I hope it will you.
Let me be clear on what I have heard him repeatedly say, and I believe he will stand by his word, as will President Trump. Think what you want about either one of them, I have not known either of them to say one thing and do another. I think RFK Jr. is a man of his word and he is not just singing the political song to get elected. He gave up a lot to stand firm on his principles – in particular favor with his family who have been life-long Democrats; and even giving up the support of his own political affiliation from Democrat to Republican. This might not be huge for a lot of people, but keep in mind the legacy he was born into. To me this speaks volumes about his convictions as it pertains to wholistic health.
Also, this new hope isn’t about the government doing even more to take care of our health – that’s not freedom, that’s control. On the contrary, what it is about is that the chains that have unknowingly bound us over many years, probably a lifetime for most of us, are now finally going to be loosed. The light is being shed on the manipulation and control that have kept us sick, and even contributed to our diseases, as opposed to restoring our health. The big picture of the strongholds that have bound us is finally being exposed. Follow the money.
Crisis of Purpose
In a recent interview shortly after his confirmation, I was so impressed to hear RFK Jr. say: “We are not just in a health crisis we are in a spiritual crisis, and they are connected.” Wow! Music to my ears. Then he went on to elaborate this point more by saying:
“Young people these days have no sense of usefulness, effectiveness, connectedness, purpose. This drives depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide… We have to address all of these. Alcohol and addiction are diseases of isolation.” He stated we all should: “Not get up and think what am I going to do to make myself happy today, but ask ourselves how am I going to make myself useful today?” To sum this up: This is PURPOSE! Part of the spiritual and mental pieces of the health pie I talk so much about. In fact, our purpose is key and core to our wholistic health. And RFK Jr. gets it!
Chronic Disease Crisis
One of the key principles that RFK Jr. has been promoting for years, and especially for children, is the chronic disease crisis our country is in. He has a lot of statistics you might find interesting, and I have referred to some of them in my blog “The Increase of Chronic Disease in Children”. And of course, all that I try and bring enlightenment to regarding our disease management versus wholistic health and health restoration is referring specifically to chronic disease.
In the interview RFK Jr. stated that the United States makes up 4.2% of the world’s population, but we buy 70% of the world’s pharmaceuticals. We spend 2-3 times as much on healthcare and have the worst outcomes. Think about that – we are the wealthiest, abundantly blessed nation in the world, and yet we are one of the sickest countries on the planet. Why is that? Follow the money. That’s what RFK Jr. is getting ready to expose, for our benefit.
He stated that he is “not going to let food and pharmaceutical industry run health policy.” And that, at the core, is where a huge part of our health crisis lies, and has been for far too long – at the feet of the pharmaceutical and food industries contributing to the demise of our health for their financial gain.
Transparency – What’s in Your Food?
Another primary message RFK Jr. is trying to impress on us is transparency. He is not intending to tax the heck out of Big Gulps (do they still make those?!), or do away with McDonald’s hamburgers, he just wants you to know what is in all of the foods (or food-like substances) that we buy and consume so we can be the one to make the informed, and hopefully wise decisions about what we are putting into our bodies, and what those foods or food-like substances are actually doing to us. Freedom of choice. But in order to make wise choices we need to know what’s in the food through transparency, empowering the consumer with understanding and truth. In his interview he stated, “the foods may seem cheap but we will pay for them in the long run.” The food like substances that line the shelves of all of our grocery stores these days contain many additives that are actually illegal in other countries. And here is the kicker with these foods. They are made by the same food manufacturers that sell to other countries – only in the other countries they eliminate the toxic ingredients, but go full force with putting these same toxic ingredients into the products sold here in the United States. Why do they do this you may ask? Because these toxic ingredients cause you to come back for more. Another words, they are creating food addicts out of us, and we don’t even realize it. Follow the money.
Are Your Tax Dollars Subsidizing Poison?
Another area that RFK Jr. is passionate about, and I too have been preaching for years, is the food like substances that your tax dollars and my tax dollars are funding via the SNAP, food stamps, & school lunch programs. In fact, what we are really funding, through no choose of ours, but via our hard-earned tax dollars, is to feed those that are the most vulnerable, toxic, poisonous food-like substances. RFK Jr. stated “we shouldn’t be subsidizing people to eat poison.”
For those of you who have read my book, follow my blogs, ever heard me speak, or have ever had a conversation with me, doesn’t it sound like RFK Jr. has read my book or heard our conversations?! This is why my heart is singing and hopeful!
Truth About Vaccines
You may be hearing mixed messages out there, primarily in the form of “sound bites” on what he believes about vaccines. First, he is not planning to do away with vaccines. Here is more of what RFK Jr. said in the interview: “if you want your vaccines, you can keep your vaccines.” But what he also said was: “but vaccines need good science; there are hardly any good safety studies done on almost any of the vaccines.” Do you realize that “vaccines are the only medical product exempt from pre-licensing safety studies?” Did you also know that “there are now 72 vaccines that are now mandated for children?” Think of all of those drugs being injected into your child’s body in the first few years of life?!
Listen – even a half a baby aspirin creates an adverse effect in our body. Not just because it’s a drug, but because it’s simply a foreign chemical in the body, and the body naturally reacts to it – whether you or your child, is feeling it or not. So, think about 72 vaccines i.e. drugs being injected into your child in the first few years of life! And to make matters worse, the “CDC captures less than 1% of vaccine injuries.” There is also “no good data on adverse effects from covid.” RFK Jr. plans to implement first thing, an accurate tracking system of adverse effects from not just vaccines or covid, but all drugs.
And this is just one component of the many problems with the pharmaceutical industry. Another one of the big problems RFK Jr. plans to address are those with conflicts of interest in the food and drug industries guiding policy within our federal government, and in turn contributing to the demise of our health. Follow the money.
As a Side Note: Here is the reason for my own personal conviction in the early stages of covid and the jab: Initially it was simply because I don’t like putting any drug into my body. I personally do not get flu vaccines or any other vaccine promoted by the medical profession as “good for me,” and that included a covid vaccine. Then you throw in a government mandate to put something so toxic into my body – no thank you, flags were going up all over for me. And yet we blindly accept these drug mandates for our children. (personal rant over!)
In Summary
It’s a new season; it’s a new day! We typically have two forces to contend with when it comes to our health. 1) Those things that are primarily in our control i.e. our own self-discipline, and 2) those things that are mostly out of our control. Both forces require knowledge in order to determine the choices we choose to make for ourselves.
Unfortunately, the powers that be – whether they be our government, the pharmaceutical industry or the corporate food industry – have been good at hiding information from us, and even at times being flat out deceptive, causing us to make ill informed choices for ourselves and our families. There have also been forces such as the insurance companies dictating and controlling coverages that keep us sick, by not providing coverage for things that could actually move us back towards wellness. But it’s a new season, and it’s a new day!
We are now on our way to having the full scope of understanding in order to make fully informed decisions about our health care choices for ourselves and our families. This is huge. I encourage you to keep your eyes and ears peeled and start looking for these barriers -that have been up for far too long – to start coming down, and the full truth and knowledge be revealed to you. But unless you start taking control of all of these truths and benefits, you will continue to be bound. I pray you choose to step out of the jail cell and choose life!
(Here is the full RFK Jr. interview link I have referred to here in this blog.)
Did You Miss These Most Recent Blog Posts?
“Don’t Walk in Fear”
“Is Pride Blocking Your Healing?”
“Should Christians Take Care of Their Health?”
“Does How We Spend Our Time Matter?”
I give a whole presentation to show you how you can restore your body back to good health using natural approaches, wholistically.
go to : https://jackiemckool.com/schedule-jackie/
Want to Join the “Make America Healthy Again” Movement?!
I’m pretty sure RFK Jr. read my book and used the information for his MAHA campaign! Maybe it’s finally time to pick up YOUR copy of “Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness?”
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