You Were Made for a Purpose

For the first 19 years of my working life

I “didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up.” I took the academic path in high school, with the thought I would go to college — but I didn’t — at least not until years later.

I had a friend help me write my resume when I was about 35 years old and she half-jokingly said “geez, with all the jobs you have had you’d think you were 80 years old!” She was right, if I was anything I was certainly a “jack of all trades” but master of none.

I mopped floors, waitressed, worked retail,

…was a bookkeeper, a seamstress (short lived!), more waitressing, more bookkeeping, worked for a pest control company (also short lived!) then I became a self-employed real estate agent. Unfortunately, happy hour was more important than selling homes.

I did title searches for a real estate settlement company, did payroll for a bar and restaurant (that I patronized!) and eventually was a builder liaison for a new homes builder before…

…God Grabbed a Hold of My Life

Until then, I was thoroughly frustrated, and downright disgusted with myself and my life. In reality? I was a drunk Work took second place.

But March 6th, 1996 was when the seed of purpose that was planted in my heart even before I was born, started to grow. God delivered me from an addiction to alcohol, the whole bar life and everything that goes along with that life. In fact, just a few days ago I celebrated what I like to think of as my “Purpose Anniversary” – 28 years ago now – wow!

He Set My Feet on a Wholistic Healing Path —

a wholistic health & wellness path to be specific. I committed my life to Jesus Christ, I received family counseling for myself, changed my eating habits, started exercising, joined a social club, and most of all started searching for my purpose — not just another job, but what was God calling me to do?

I was listening to the Norman Vincent Peales & Zig Ziglars of the world — then Joyce Meyer and other Christian leaders

I was so excited about this new direction in my life, that I wanted to help others down that same path of discovery of purpose. I knew even then, that I was called to speak, and teach and write on wholistic health. (To read more of my story pick up a copy of “Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness”)

We ALL Matter

Not just a select few, ALL of us matter. You matter. You too have a unique divine purpose and reason for being here on this earth. Your purpose doesn’t have to be your career. You could be a working mom and your purpose is to raise godly children, you just have to go to work too. But it could be your job or your profession — that too could be your calling. But maybe it’s in a different setting than where you are now.

The Way to Find Out Your Purpose?

Ask God. After all it is Him Who has designed you for that purpose. How do you ask Him you might want to know? Here are 3 simple steps to hearing God’s Voice:

  1. Quiet yourself down
  2. Picture yourself with Jesus, or Papa God — whatever he look like to you.
  3. Be open to spontaneous thought and vision
  4. Write down what you are thinking, hearing and seeing (in your spirit)


What Does This Have To Do With Your Health You Might Ask?

Simple. Our health is wholistic — mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. By mental health I mean things like time management, goal-setting, career, budget and our purpose in life. If you don’t even know why you get out of bed in the morning, what do you care if you are healthy or not? (make this a pull quote) — that’s most likely not even on your radar.

But YOU Matter!

YOU have a purpose. All of us need YOU! Without you, we can’t completely fulfill what God is calling us to do. He built us for community and for purpose.

What is yours? Seek it out. Ask God. Look for Dr. Mark Virkler’s book “How to Hear God’s Voice.” Take courage and step out into all that God has called you to — you won’t be sorry!

To book Dr. Jackie for speaking engagements go to:

See more of these blogs, in case you missed them, for greater insight to the Truth About Wellness:
“Is Wholistic Health Even an Option for Me?”
“Truth is Imperative for a Healthy Self”
“How Do I Create a Healthy Balance for My Soul?”

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